A dental approach from the beginning of the studies and a practice-oriented learning early in the curriculum



Dentistry is an integral part of Medicine. It deals specifically with diseases of the masticatory apparatus (the oral cavity and its appendages), the relationship between the functioning of this masticatory apparatus and the other apparatuses of the body and vice versa. It aims at discovering and establishing an effective prevention and treatment of diseases that disturb the masticatory system.


Bachelor and Master

  • The teaching of the first term of the Bachelor's block 1 focuses on the learning of fundamental skills. Therefore, the first term includes three basic science courses (biology, chemistry and physics), the First Aid course and a specific dental course (chemistry of dental materials).
  • The second term of Block 1 is devoted to the acquisition of biomedical sciences (biochemistry, physiology, histology, etc.). In addition, it includes "dentistry" oriented courses allowing students to become familiar with the specialty.
  • As early as block 2, an important module on the normal masticatory apparatus is covered. Thereafter, the teaching includes a "sick man" module (specific and outside of dentistry), pathology and medical courses as well as modules focused on dental sciences.

At this stage of the Bachelor's program, practical courses and pre-clinical exercises also begin. In the prosthetic laboratory, students learn the basic techniques in this discipline and handle instruments and materials. In the pre-clinical program, they work on a "mannequin" to adapt to patient care before treating real patients in the master's program.

To the Bachelor's program



The Master in Dental Sciences is a single specialised Master's degree (120 credits). It combines clinical and integrated internships in general dentistry, specialized internships and interactive multidisciplinary teaching seminars in dental practice, including CRA (Clinical Reasoning Apprenticeship) sessions.

To the Master's program

Contact the Pedagogical Office


Masters of specialisation

Upon completion of the Master of Dental Sciences program, students are not allowed to practice dentistry. They are required to complete their training with a Master of Specialisation.

Competitions are organized for each specialty during the last year of the Master's program.

Access to medical and dental specialties whose services are reimbursed by the RIZIV (general dentistry, periodontology and orthodontics) is limited by quotas imposed by the federal government.

The number of internship plans granted by the FPS Health and the budgetary possibilities of the hospitals are also two factors limiting access to medical and dental specialties.



Certificates and lifelong learning

The Faculty of Medicine organizes a series of complementary training courses in the form of certificates for professionals. The conditions of access are specified for each course.

To the registration form and the training catalog



After completing a Master's degree in Dental Sciences, you can consider a doctorate. This corresponds to the3rd cycle of university studies. It consists of original and demanding research work and leads to the academic grade of "Doctor".


To know more about it


Photo credit © ULiège M. Houet

updated on 2/7/23

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