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Research and medicine are intrinsically linked: all medical progress comes from basic research and physicians involved in research contribute to the advancement of knowledge. The Clinical Researcher career is a unique opportunity for clinicians who wish to devote themselves to basic research while ensuring the continuity of a part-time hospital activity.

The call for Medical Doctor Applicant to an MSc and a PhD fellowship (CSD) and Medical Doctor Applicant to a PhD fellowship (DS) for the year 2023 is now underway at FNRS and the deadline for applications is 16 February 2023.

In consultation with the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the President of the Medical Council of the University Hospital, the Léon Fredericq Foundation proposes to contribute to the reinforcement of the number of Medical Doctor Applicant to an MSc and a PhD fellowship (CSD) and Clinical Master Specialist Applicant to a PhD fellowship (SD) at the University Hospital of Liège by financing candidates who would have been classified A or A+ at the FNRS and who would not have been retained by the FNRS due to a lack of budgetary means.

The Léon Fredericq Foundation commits to pay to the CHU the lump sum of a CSD or SD funding for a period of two years.

The carrier of the Clinical Researcher

Medical Doctor Applicant to an MSc and a PhD fellowship (CSD)

Holders of a part-time CSD fellowship shall pursue their studies leading to a Ph.D. in one of the fields of the health sector in a university of the French-speaking Community of Belgium and undertake an Advanced Master simultaneously under the supervision of a promoter, while pursuing a part-time activity in a hospital.

The part-time CSD fellowship is a research fellowship applicable for 2 years maximum, renewable three times (equivalent to a duration of 8 years maximum).
The part-time CSD fellowship may begin at any time of the specialisation. However, it must end at the latest 4 years after the end of the specialisation.

iconeDocumentRules and regulations - Medical Doctor Applicant to an MSc and a PhD fellowship (CSD)


Clinical Master Specialist Applicant to a PhD fellowship (SD)

Holders of a part-time SD fellowship shall pursue studies leading to a Ph.D. in one of the fields of the health sector in a university of the French-speaking Community of Belgium under the supervision of a promoter, while pursuing a part-time activity in a hospital.

The part-time SD fellowship is a research fellowship applicable for 2 years maximum, renewable once (equivalent to a duration of 4 years maximum).

 iconeDocument Rules and Regulations - Clinical Master Specialist Applicant to a PhD fellowship (SD)


Post-Doctorate Clinical Master Specialist fellowship (SPD) - Clinical Researcher (CCL)

The part-time Post-doctorate Clinical Master Specialist (SPD) fellowship consists of a 6-year probation period divided into three two-year fellowships, followed by four-year fellowships that can be renewed without limits. As from the first four-year renewal, the name of the fellowship becomes Clinical Researcher (CCL)

Evolution de la carrière et cycles d'évaluations scientifiques
Période Durée Mandat sollicité Evaluation scientifique
 1st period (6 years)  2 years  Post-doctorate Clinical Master  Specialist (SPD)

 Two-step procedure:

 - Individual evaluation by remote experts

 - Evaluation by a Scientific Commission (CS)

 2 years  SPD 1st Renewal
 Not applicable (renewal on request)
 2 years  SPD 2nd Renewal  Evaluation by a CS
 2nd period (yearly reports of activities  4 years  Clinical Researcher (CCL)  Evaluation by a CS
 4 years  CCL 1st Renewal and following  Evaluation by a CS


iconeDocumentRules and regulation - Post-doctorate clinical master specialist (SPD) - Clinical Researcher (CCL)

Support from the Léon Fredericq Foundation

In order for the Léon Fredericq Foundation to support the candidates, the Heads of Department-Promoters are asked to inform the Foundation of the CSD and SD candidates who will be presented to the FNRS in February of this year by sending a copy of their application to Caroline Mazy.

Sabine FRARE

Academic Affairs Secretary

See in directory
updated on 1/23/23

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